There is a fantastic range of events that take place in and around Ullswater each year that celebrate the rich diversity, local history, culture and beauty of the area. Highlights include the world famous Marmalade Festival, the popular Winter Droving, Ullswater Walking Festival or Ullswater’s very own Daff Fest. Or perhaps one of the many sporting events, such as the Ullswater Triathlon or the Epic Lakes Swim is more your cup of tea?
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Gold 2 Day NNAS Advanced Navigation
What to expect
It is required to have the NNAS Silver Certificates before signing up for the Gold level,
This fabulous advanced level navigation course will test your Navigation tools from Bronze & Silver level, plus you ability to navigate when the going gets tough (underfoot!) We will not be heading high into the mountains, but onto open fell and marshy ground too and mostly off trail as much as possible. If you demonstrate the correct understanding after 2 days intensive training and assessment, then you will walk away with an NNAS Gold Certificate and achieving this Gold level will put you in a great position for entering higher level Mountain Marathons, or put it towards a Mountain Leader Training course, and will really help with the find navigation off trail on extremely varied terrain.
You will be crossing open fell, for the most part of this course durations and this will not be on paths except to reach the open fell. Having said this we will travel very slowly over this ground and ensure the safety of participants. We will mostly only be walking over grassey tussocks, boggy area and occasional rocky sections which could be technical.
What will you learn?
Utilise the skills and techniques of the Bronze and Silver Awards in the context of Gold National Navigation Award navigation strategies.
Utilise contours and fine detail as the prime method of navigation.
Accurately: Follow a route, judge distance, check progress against time, use relevant compass skills and maintain continuous map contact.
Use back bearings and transits to confirm the current position.
Use aspect of slope as an aid to relocation.
Select appropriate techniques within an overall navigation strategy.
Navigate in intricate terrain in reduced visibility i.e. mist or darkness.
Select an appropriate, safe route in relation to height gain and loss, dangerous terrain and other major hazards.
Assess the route ahead in the field in relation to prevailing conditions or changing circumstances (e.g. weather, time, daylight, ability/fitness) and re-plan the route appropriately if necessary.
Shorten a route, use an escape route and know emergency procedures.
Recognise the occurrence of a navigational error within a few minutes and apply appropriate relocation techniques.
Select appropriate clothing, equipment and first aid for walking in remote areas in all weather conditions.
Understand the physical demands created by hill and moorland terrain in all weather conditions.
Understand the effects of cold, heat, fatigue and discomfort on decision making and execution of a selected route.
Understand the implications of climate change on the outdoor environment and be knowledgeable in practical steps to mitigate its effect.
Understand the pros and cons of appropriate electronic navigation devices and describe/demonstrate their use in the context of Gold terrain.
What are the benefits?
Gain a deeper understanding on how to use a map & compass in order to navigate a chosen route in difficult conditions, across different scales of maps and over difficult terrain.
Grow your confidence to take people further afield, but with-in your qualification’s perimeter’s
Gain a Gold NNAS certificate to show you have the skills (continued personal development)
Use this course to help you gain your Mountain Leader Qualification (It will set you on the right track, giving you a good understanding of navigation, not give you the course work or qualification)
Increase your route potential by being able to plan breath taking routes for friends/groups for more experienced walkersand those wanting to explore – whatever the terrain, or time of day.
Who is it for?
Fell Walkers & Trail Runners, especially those wishing to up into the mountains to their full potential and take themselves way off the beaten track for added interest and fun, in a safe manner, but also to be able to make the right choice when to get themselves off the fell by deviating the route at short notice and in bad weather and little visibility. We will be walking for the duration of this course – NOT RUNNING! although runners may find the skills of huge benefit on events they are planning for.
This is an advanced-level course for navigation for personal development & will give you a NNAS (National Navigation Award Scheme) Gold Award, assuming you are able to demonstrate a good understanding and application of the skills being learnt on the course.
For the full Gold Navigator award syllabus please see the NNAS website.
The Gold Navigation Award includes pre- and post-course question papers. These will be given to candidates when they book with their chosen Course Provider.
Gold courses are run by Course Directors who not only have plenty of top-level navigation experience but also have been on a special NNAS-run course in tutoring Gold courses.
Maximum tutor to participant ratio is 1:4
The NNAS Gold Navigator Award is accredited by the Scottish Credit & Qualifications Framework (SCQF) at Level 6, and 2 SCQF credit points are awarded on completion.
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